Saturday, August 25, 2007

Latest from the Artisan

Bill Monroe let everyone know about the upcoming tabling for Barack Obama at the Twilight Festival in Columbia. Rebecca Schedler announced that she was starting up the local Edward's campaign here. More info on that as I get more on it. There will be a fund raising party for Democracy for Missouri at Craig's house on September 27th. Donations will be asked to donate a quarter every time a candidate mentions 9/11.

Blog's new look

Like my home, I get tired of looking at the same thing for too long :)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Will he or won't he?

Representative Kenny Hulshof has been invited to a town hall meeting about the War in Iraq. He was offered to name his date and time, but Pro-vote, which is sponsoring the event, was told that his schedule was full and he wouldn't attend anything that Pro-vote had its name on.

Mr. Hulshof, you are all the constituents' representative, not just your big dollar donors and the paid lobbyists. I'm sorry if you need a marketing consultant to have a focus group and hand pick your audience. You need to face the music on your record of supporting this increasing unpopular war. It's time to stop hiding behind the moniker that only Columbia liberals care about this war, it stretches all across your district

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Meeting at the Artisan - 2008 election buzz, War in Iraq.

Jane Whitesides of Pro-Vote at the DFMO steering committee held at the Artisan, tried to accommodate Kenny Hulshof so he could attend a town meeting on the "War in Iraq". Apparently his schedule is full for the rest of the time he is near the district. The town meeting is going to be on August 29, 2007 at 7pm at the Boone County government center. Please give Kenny Hulshof a call at 573-449-5111 and encourage him to attend and meet with his constituents. Let Kenny know that it is not only Columbia that is concerned about the war. Call Pro-Vote at 256-7701 for more information. Jane also encourages letters to the editor as well.

Brandon Costerison of the Nixon Coordinated campaign for mid-Missouri says he will be cleaning up the VAN (Voter Access Network) and will be phone-banking for Jay Nixon. He stated he wanted to start this early before the political buzz starts to rise.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


According to an article in the Columbia Tribune, a Cole county judge has thrown out the midwifery part of the health insurance bill, citing that since midwives can't bill insurance companies, their presence in the bill wasn't related to the purpose of the bill. Confused? Essentially there is a train of thought that midwives should be licensed and under supervision of a physician. While the proponents of the midwife measure believe that since midwives have been around for thousands of years and have safely delivered babies comparable or even exceeding the survivability of infants born in hospitals. There also point to the alarming rate of cesareans that are performed in the US. The rate is 29.1% of all births, according to the CDC. I do believe that women should choose where and how to give birth, but i do believe in some sort of oversight. It doesn't have to be a government entity. It can be a non-profit accrediting agency like CARF or any other reputable accrediting organization. The proponents will be appealing the judges decision