Tuesday, June 19, 2007

LTTE From the Democracy For Missouri Prez

I recall Memorial Days in my youth: a parade down Main Street to the Memorial Library, where solemn and patriotic speeches were made over the lawn covered with neat rows of white wooden crosses, followed by a 21-gun salute by the VFW - men who just 15 years before had freed the world from tyranny.

Sweet memories. So what have we today?

The Columbia Memorial Day Fly-in I attended bears little resemblance to a sincere memorial of war dead. This year’s headlined 10,000-square-foot "Virtual Army Experience" attracted participants lined up as if they were at Disneyland, to play soldier on widescreen video screens with a climax of realistic explosions. (No cries of the dead and wounded, no screams of women and children - just "Shock and Awe" explosions.)

When did war become a game?

When did Memorial Day become an obscene military recruitment tool?

As a member of Democracy for Missouri, I was present outside the VAE, helping to hand out more than 200 American Friends Service Committee DVDs on the truth about enlistment and military service. We are told that once inside, uniformed VAE personnel offered to break the discs. I pray that those who held onto their DVDs will watch and share them. Democracy breathes truth.

The "Fly-in" as organized was very poorly attended, and there were few old planes in evidence - just recruitment "rides." My hope is that organizers will have an epiphany about the true meaning of Memorial Day and stop glorying in weaponry and destruction.

Bill Monroe

505 E. 10th St.


Monday, June 11, 2007

DFA "Night School" meeting in Columbia

DFA is conducting 3 "Night School" Online/conference call classes in June starting the 12th. The focus is on campaign fund raising. To kick this off, we will be meeting in person at the Labor Temple with local funding experts, candidates and incumbents as well as grassroots volunteers. Please check out this site for details and to RSVP:

authored by Bill Monroe

Friday, June 08, 2007

Blunt picks pro-voucher candidate Gambaro to serve on Missouri Board of Education

Gov. Blunt nominated Derio Gambaro - a former State rep and a big voucher supporter. He is connected with a number of pro-voucher organizations such as All Children Matter and the Children’s Education Alliance of Missouri, which is based in Columbia Mo. Blunt once again has made an overt gesture to all who support public schools, that this institution will also be sold to the highest bidder. It has always been inappropriate in my opinion to use vouchers that take money away from the public schools so little Johnny can go to Jesus school. This author is well aware that these vouchers can be used for non-religious purposes, but the main push do come from religious groups. It is wrong to have someone on the State school board that has spent years trying to undermine it. Next Blunt will appoint someone who believes that man and dinosaurs roamed the earth together like the Flintstones. Actually the only thing I learned from the Flintstones was to use the same window the cat did to get back inside your house and never order the bronto ribs, it will cause your car to tip over

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Fluff and more Fluffy fluff

It is a sad day in the world of professional hockey where the last 3 Stanley Cups have gone to Tampa Bay, Carolina, and Anaheim. There hasn't been a Canadian Stanley Cup winner since 1993. Is this good for professional hockey? Here in Missouri, the Blues and a few good years, but usually choked in the playoffs, then I think Laurie unloaded the expensive players so he could sell the team. Your fluff is welcomed :)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

So Who Wants to be the Lt. Governor?

I never understood the lure of being Lt. Governor here in the state of Missouri. Except for Mel Carnahan, neither Ashcroft nor Bond used the position as a stepping stone to the governorship. Now we have a new candidate seeking the office. Rep Sam Page, a democratic representative from St. Louis county, is seeking the party nomination for Lt. Governor. It seems that this office is popular and already had candidates lined up prior to Page's announcement. Do all of them see a weakness with Kinder? What does a Lt. Governor do that would be scrutinized? Your comments and knowledge is welcomed.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Court Oks State Sponsored Murder?

Well, I want to let everyone know that since the state legislature is out of session, most of my focus will be on local Columbia politics with the occasional news story that affects Missouri. Besides the last couple of weeks have been emotional draining, but I am coming out of it with a sense of really what is important in my life. My friends and family. I do regret getting angry with someone very dear to me recently, but with time and reflection I hope our friendship can thrive. Now, this really has nothing to do with the death penalty...or does it? When a government executes a prisoner, it is final unlike interpersonal relationships. If you get angry at someone that doesn't deserve your invective, you can always apologize and make amends. If you execute someone and you are wrong, you really can't say you're sorry.

A federal appeals court ok'd lethal injection as an accepted killing device. In my opinion, if it is wrong for an individual to kill, it should be wrong for the state. To me the state is not this omnipotent entity that is above the moral law we all follow but a group of individuals. So you have this pomp and circumstance of court room procedure and 12 people choosing your fate, but still doesn't justify murder.

Anyway, cherish your family and friends and let them know that you're OK....So to those I know I want to let you know that I am fine :)

Friday, June 01, 2007


Columbia Mo is in the running for a Level 4 research (germ) lab. It will be located in the SE part of the city. For those who don't know what Level 4 means, it's the most secure facility classification. This facility will be able to research the most dangerous viruses and bacteria known to man, such as anthrax and Ebola. There is an anti-lab website that tries to address the concerns of many Columbians. Most of these concerns stem from the proximity of the purposed site to schools, neighborhoods, and subdivisions.

Sites are usually chosen where there is less resistance to having them built. So the squeaky wheel usually doesn't get a lab.